Spotlight: “Expert Generalist” Aly Juma

My name is Aly Juma and my medium is information.

My love of learning is driven by my generalist outlook on life. I’ve always been supremely curious about everything—Always Be Curious, as my magazine is titled—and found it hard to settle for any one thing. I studied engineering in college and subsequently worked for an advertising agency in Tanzania, which lead to grad school in France.

I’ve always followed my passions wherever they take me. Now I’m focused on designing T-shirts, writing, and working as a business intelligence consultant. You can learn more about me at

I use Flipboard to educate myself on a variety of subjects, curate my favorite articles into my own magazines for others to enjoy, and keep track of content that I can use for future projects. Flipboard makes organizing content simple.

Flipboard is also great for discovering new content. I love to read Fast Company, TED and Brain Pickings, but I also find amazing articles from other user-curated magazines that I wouldn’t have otherwise encountered.

My biggest influences are the polymath greats: Malcolm Gladwell, who first got me into non-fiction storytelling; Seth Godin’s brilliant insights on marketing; and Elon Musk’s incredible ability to manifest the unseemly.

Check out some of Juma’s magazines:

Spotlight: iPad Artist Raheem “Ra” Nelson

My name is Raheem Nelson—Ra for short—and my medium is iPad art.

My love of drawing started when I was 5. My parents drew for me and at 7, I started doing it for myself and drawing, like, The Ninja Turtles. Eventually I got my confidence up and started drawing my own comic books. I love the discipline and process of making a comic book: writing, inking, coloring duties. I took it upon myself to do all those roles, and be a multifaceted artist from a young age.

I use Flipboard to keep me inspired and educated when it comes to the art world, to teach myself how the art market works through research, and by staying up-to-date on the intersection of the art and tech worlds. I love to read IGN, Artnet, and—it’s very educational and helpful for artists who don’t want to deal with day-to-day business dealings.

Flipboard is also great as a portfolio because I don’t have to be in the same room as someone—they can just flip, flip, flip through different pieces of mine.

Ra iPad Art by Ra

People that inspire me are David Kassan and Jorge Colombo—David dabbles in iPad art, and Jorge creates art on his iPhone, and does covers for the New Yorker on his iPad. I feel extremely lucky to have them as mentors.

A big influence is Austin Kleon. His book “Steal Like An Artist” was life-changing for me. I teach my students that, too. It’s OK to be influenced. We’re all remixes of our influences.


Spotlight On: The Many Facets of Brazil


Whenever I say I am from Brazil, I usually get a big smile and comments about soccer and the country’s beautiful beaches. The friendly attitude of many Brazilians and the amazing landscapes of South America’s largest and only Portuguese-speaking country are well known.

But Brazil has many facets that go beyond carnival, samba and futbol.

You can’t define a place with a single broad stroke, and this is especially true for Brazil. With its paradisiac beaches, delicious food, creative music, infamous favelas and deep social problems, Brazil is a country of striking contrasts. It has a vast supply of natural resources, yet suffers with poverty and social inequality. It has a sophisticated business sector and a large consumer market, but it lags behind in global education and infrastructure. It’s an enormous country with searing heat in the north to snow in the south, and amazes visitors with the modernity of its megacities and the wilderness of its Amazon rainforest.

After over a decade living in the U.S., there are things I miss about Brazil: the solidarity, sensuality, joy and openness that are hallmarks of its people. But I’m glad that my job as a Flipboard curator allows me to keep in touch with Brazil’s culture and readers. Here are some magazines that remind me of home:

Brazil-Brasil-Brasile-Brésil-Brasilien by Bia Valle: Facts, figures and fun about Brazil.

Oh Brazil! by Bibi Voyles: News and insights on Brazil.

Travel Diary Brazil by Flipboard Photo Desk Presented By Microsoft: Photo essays created during the World Cup, documenting the many faces and places in the country.

Graffiti, Street Art & Mural Brazil by RedeFric: Brazilian creativity stamped in the streets.

Awesome Capoeira by Gloria Lin: The beauty and flow of Brazilian dance-fighting.

Travel Brazil by Tony Galvez: News, info and travel tips.

To learn more about Flipboard’s Brazilian community, check out our Inside Flipboard Brasil blog, follow @Flipboard_BR on Twitter and our Flipboard Brasil page on Facebook. (That’s right: for ultimate authenticity, Brasil is written with an “s” in Portuguese.)

~CarolF is curating “Brasil

Spotlight On: Travel Back to Japan Through Flipboard

Every time I look at a Flipboard magazine from Japan, I feel I transported back to my country, which I left in 2005 to become a freelance editor. I’ve since found my way to Palo Alto, California, where I now work as Flipboard’s Japanese curator and international coordinator. Of course, there are parts of Japan I don’t miss—the bureaucracy, packed subways and never-ending work hours. But these magazines remind me of some of my country’s best things, such as people’s generosity and cooperation, the great food and peaceful neighborhoods.

My favorite Japanese magazines on Flipboard include the ones into which the curator flips personal photos that offer a glimpse into Tokyo life . Take a look:

きちでんせいけんフォトライフ by きちでんせいけん: This collection of street photography was taken by an artist in Tokyo. While the photos are all recent, the colors and lights make me nostalgic.

世界を旅する写真 by sawaflip : Travel lover sawaflip took Instagram photographs throughout the world and created a Flipboard magazine with them. These beautiful pictures feel like a coffee table book in a magazine layout.

シロの休日 by u7046 : The main character of this peaceful magazine is a fluffy cat named “Shiro,” (“white” in Japanese) who likes to walk around the neighborhood.

LIFE WITH CATS by enjoynews: Also featuring cats, this magazine captures the daily life of two felines who live with this curator.

コップのフチ子 by chimateer: This magazine gathers photos of a small, popular figure in Japan called “Cup no Fuchi-ko,” a little toy girl meant to sit on the edge of a cup. Photos of this figure in various scenes have been going viral in Japan, so user chimatter collected them into this magazine.

~YasukoK is reading “クロの休日 (Kuro’s holiday)

Spotlight: We have this Covered

Last week we asked you to submit your favorite covers to us and the response has been great!  Here are some of the top submissions from last week.

To see more covers, we also have a Flickr group for covers and our Facebook Fan Page has a lot of covers now, too. To learn how to take and send a cover, see this post.

Please keep the fantastic covers coming!


~ JonV

Spotlight: Share Your Covers

One thing we absolutely love about Flipboard is seeing all the different covers people create with it.  We share ours with each other in the office all the time.  Even better, we are seeing people in the community sharing their covers with each other, and this is great!

Here’s a simply fantastic example:

Isn’t that just beautiful?

This cover was captured by a friend, in his Flipboard, from his friend’s feed.  It was posted by @leecraven and the image originally belongs to @undomesticdiva .  When I contacted her for permission to reuse the photo, she mentioned she is a photographer.  If you would like to see more of her photos, or if you are in need of a photographer’s services in Southern Califormia, here is her site:

Please feel not just free to send us your cover images, but feel encouraged to do so!  You can post them to our Facebook page, Tweet them to @flipboard, or email them to me directly.

We love seeing them and you may find your cover featured on Inside Flipboard.

Hope you’re having a terrific week, Flipsters!

~ JonV

Spotlight: A Flipboard Cartoon!

We are honored to be immortalized in the most important of all the editorial arts: the cartoon!

Thanks to cartoonist Phil Johnson and NPR All Tech Considered for permission to share this with you.  Remember, you can add NPR Shows to your Flipboard by selecting “Add a Section” then look in the category “News.”

We are always looking to spotlight interesting things from around the Flipboard Community.  If you have great Flipboard covers, cool screen shots, or an interesting story about how you use Flipboard, please share them with us.

You could be “Inside Flipboard.”


~ JonV

В центре внимания: Ольга Щеблыкина, деятель искусств

Меня зовут Оля Щеблыкина, по образованию я художник-иллюстратор, работаю арт-директором на сайте

Моя страсть – это спорт, еда и искусство.

Я использую Flipboard, чтобы систематезировать источники и материалы по интересным мне темам.

С утра я читаю новости на Медузе, смотрю телеграм-канал “Чехов пишет” и листаю фейсбук.

Смысл моей работы и жизни в том, чтобы делать мир прекраснее.

Мою работу отличает то, что когда я ее заканчиваю, я иду в бассейн и прыгаю в воду.

Как повысить продуктивность я не знаю, у всех это по-разному. Лично для меня работают списки, таблицы и схемы, я люблю систематезировать и держать в порядке свои задачи и планы.

Если бы я могла дать совет ранней версии себя, я бы посоветовала ничего не бояться. Я бы и всем это посоветовала, думаю страх слишком часто управляет нами, даже когда мы сами этого не понимаем.


Let’s Talk Topics on Flipboard: Top Things to Know

One of the defining features of the new Flipboard is topics.* Topics are designed to give you more of the stories you want, no matter how niche the subject. At the same time, topics empower you to discover a diversity of sources and magazines you might not have known about before. Here are the top things to know about topics and how they can supercharge your personalized experience.

So, what are topics?

Fueled by Zite’s technology, topics range from “wine tasting” to “sustainable design” to “cute animals” to “marine biology.” Flip through a topic to see popular stories from publishers as well as articles curated into Flipboard magazines (more on this soon!).

Where are topics?

When you first open the third generation of Flipboard, pick a few topics from the list. Scrolling down this list reveals even more related topics.

You can always go back to this list of topics to follow—just use the tile tab. (On iOS, filter to Topics and then Find More Topics to Follow. For Android, scroll to the bottom for the same option.)

Know exactly what you’re interested in? Type keywords into the search tab. For example, searching for “healthy food” gives you exactly that plus other related topics like “raw food,” “vegan,” “food crisis” and “food policy.” Tap the results to see articles, photos and videos from sources and magazines across Flipboard.

Don’t know exactly what you want? Topic tags live all over for you to explore. Find them nestled in the bottom left corner of articles. Tap on them to deep-dive on top stories. Careful! These little but powerful tags can get addictive. Starting in “photography” might lead you to “aerial views.” From there you might stumble across “virtual reality,” then wander to “game development.” You never quite know, so just see where topic tags take you!

I found a topic I really like, how do I save it?

Loving that “painting” is a topic on Flipboard? Follow it! It’ll be added to the list of topics you follow in the tile tab for easy access later on.

If you follow a lot of topics, it can be a lot to keep track of! Luckily, when you follow topics, Flipboard finds the best stories for you in Home. Go to the home tab to see highlights across what you are following. Save time by seeing a blend of everything you like.

I’m getting good at this. What’s the next level?

Great topics include the best of what the Flipboard community collects into their magazines. On some stories, you’ll see the attribution a person who flipped it. Tap the person’s name or profile picture to go to their profile and see more of what they’re flipping into magazines.

Contribute to topics by making magazines on Flipboard. Tap + on any story to begin. Set your magazines to “public” to ensure that what you collect can show up in topics as well.

We’re excited to deliver the stories that matter to you, in a smarter way. With topics, we hope to make it easier to see a different view or get more of what you like. Have fun!

*Currently, topics are only available in the U.S.

~DeanneC is reading “Smashing Maps

The New Flipboard Gets Personal with Over 30,000 Topics to Follow

We’re on a quest to create the world’s best personal magazine, and today’s update—the third generation of Flipboard—builds on our core tenets. The new Flipboard is both more personal and magazine-like. Here’s how:

1) With over 30,000 topics now available, your Flipboard can be as unique as you are. Topics range from “action hero” to “zoology” (and everything in-between), and you can find them via search or by tapping on the new topic tags on articles. Press “follow” every time you want to add something (or someone) to your Flipboard and watch as your experience becomes tailored to your life.

Topics are fueled by Zite’s technology but they’re also powered by people: Flipboard’s magazine makers, to be precise. Our “MagMakers” have curated over 10 million magazines around subjects they’re passionate about, often flipping in insightful articles, stunning photos and powerful videos and music. Our community’s hand-picked selections, indexed by our algorithms, yield a potent new mix of topical content you won’t find anywhere else. Take a look:

2) Want to catch up on the news in a fast, definitive way? Meet The Daily Edition, a carefully curated roundup of top headlines in news, business, tech, sports and culture, along with some fun elements, like a daily track and a Parting GIF to send you off on your day with a smile. Curated by the Flipboard team, The Daily Edition is currently available in editions for the U.S., UK, Latin America, U.S. Latino, Brazil and India, and is ready every day by 7:00 a.m. local time. You can find it among your tiles.

3) We’re rolling out an all-new design for the phone, where Flipboard has been re-imagined to be more magazine-like and elegant. Open Flipboard, and you’ll be immediately immersed in a highly-visual and up-to-the-minute stream of articles, photos and more based on your areas of interest. There are airy full-screen covers, fresh typography and a new navigational bar that lets you quickly access your home feed, your tiles, search, notifications and your profile.

4) The MagMakers among you will be excited to learn that there’s an updated look for profiles and a new Web tool called My Analytics, which offers an overview of how your curation is performing on Flipboard. And because we admire the work of our MagMakers, we’re launching a new series today called “My Magazine,” videos that spotlight inspiring people, their personal journeys and magazine expressions. Be sure to check out the clips and share your story with us using the #MyMagazine hashtag.

Finally, as part of this new edition of Flipboard, we’ve updated our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use (effective October 30, 2014) to accommodate all the new features and to explain our practices more clearly.

There’s something for everyone in this third generation of Flipboard, whether you have deep interests, are a passionate curator or just want the latest headlines. So update today, start following topics and people, and truly make Flipboard your own.

~The Flipboard Team