Table for Two: Serious Eats Joins Flipboard

Before becoming the “missionary of delicious,” foodie Ed Levine had two great passions: baseball and jazz. After throwing one too many curveballs, Levine migrated to music full-time, becoming the pop critic for The New York Times. But while Levine enjoyed the position’s authority, he longed for a sense of community.

Enter his third and most definitive passion: pizza. Well, all food actually. Levine had just finished writing a book about New York City dining (aptly titled New York Eats) and realized he could demystify the way people think about eating.

So he started Serious Eats, a site devoted to democratizing food culture. With a voice that’s proficient but playful—think “Harold McGee meets The Simpsons”—the site investigates everything from the science of the perfect steak to the history of America’s weirdest soda.

Serious Eats has brought its entire archive of recipes, experiments and delectable discussions to Flipboard. Whether you’re looking for Dinner Tonight or the best way to hack homemade red sauce, your “destination for delicious” has been fully paginated to appease every device and appetite. Pull up a chair and dig in:

~ShonaS is reading “Facepalm